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If one of the things that keeps you from getting help is that you are worried about your job, then read our note farther down on this page about FMLA. The law generally protects people from losing their job while they receive medical treatment.
If you have short or long term disability insurance (you may have it through your employer) it might help to cover some or all of the leave time off.
Do you have a friend or relative who has an addiction and you don't know how to help them? If so, read the section further down this page that talks about interventions.
Grandparents are cool. Relaxed. They’re not on the firing line every day. Some days a kid hates his folks. He never hates his grandparents. Grandparents ask direct, point-blank, embarrassing questions that parents are too nervous to ask:
“Who’s the girl?”
“How come you’re doing poorly in history?”
“Why are your eyes always red?”
“Did you go to the doctor? What did he say?”
The same kid who cons his parents is ashamed to lie to Grandma or Grandpa. Without betraying their trust, a loving, understanding, grandparent can discuss the danger of drugs and alcohol openly with the child he or she adores. And should. As a grandparent, you hold a special place in the hearts and minds of your grandchildren. Share your knowledge, your love, your faith in them. Use your power as an influencer to steer your grandchildren away from drugs and alcohol.
Addiction can be a diagnosable and treatable disease. Since alcoholism and substance abuse are considered serious health issues that impede one's ability to perform normal daily tasks, the provisions within the FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) may apply. The best way to successfully combat addiction and the issues surrounding it is through substance abuse treatment.
FMLA provides up to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave during any 12 month period to eligible, covered employees for the care of a serious health condition such as most addictions. In order to be covered you must 1. Work for an employer located in the US with at least 50 employees are working within 75 miles of each other. 2. Have worked at least 1250 hours over the past 12 months. 3. Have worked for the employer for a total of 12 months.
Everyone who applies for FMLA leave must fill out forms and have them signed by the treating doctor or health care provider. The specific information required is restricted by law. The employer must comply with the law in requests for additional information and certification.
Before you apply for FMLA, make sure to understand how your company classifies absences under the FMLA and what you need to do before leaving for treatment to protect your position. Also, it is important to note that termination based upon inappropriate or poor onsite behavior prior to treatment is legitimate.
The information provided here is not all-inclusive. We encourage you to look further into this yourself. Below is a link to FMLA information.
Mayo clinic says an intervention is a carefully planned process that may be done by family and friends, in consultation with a doctor or professional such as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, or directed by an intervention professional.
During the intervention the addict is confronted about the consequences of his/her addiction and is asked if they would accept treatment.
A successful intervention must be planned carefully to work as intended. A poorly planned intervention can worsen the situation — your loved one may feel attacked and become isolated or more resistant to treatment
1. Make a plan with a group and try an include a qualified professional counselor, addiction specialist, psychologist, mental health counselor, social worker or an interventionist to help you organize an effective intervention. An intervention is a highly charged situation with the potential to cause anger, resentment or a sense of betrayal.
2. Gather information. The group members find out about the extent of the loved one's problem and research the condition and treatment programs. The group may initiate arrangements to enroll the loved one in a specific treatment program.
3. Form the intervention team. The planning group forms a team that will personally participate in the intervention. Team members set a date and location and work together to present a consistent, rehearsed message and a structured plan. Often, nonfamily members of the team help keep the discussion focused on the facts of the problem and shared solutions rather than strong emotional responses. Do not let your loved one know what you are doing until the day of the intervention.
4. Decide on specific consequences. If your loved one doesn't accept treatment, each person on the team needs to decide what action he or she will take. Examples include asking your loved one to move out or taking away contact with children
5. Make notes on what to say. Each member of the intervention team describes specific incidents where the addiction caused problems, such as emotional or financial issues. Discuss the toll of your loved one's behavior while still expressing care and the expectation that your loved one can change. Your loved one can't argue with facts or with your emotional response to the problem.
6. Hold the intervention meeting. Without revealing the reason, the loved one is asked to the intervention site. Members of the core team then take turns expressing their concerns and feelings. The loved one is presented with a treatment option and asked to accept that option on the spot. Each team member will say what specific changes he or she will make if the addicted person doesn't accept the plan. Do not threaten a consequence unless you are ready to follow through with it.
7. Follow up. Involving a spouse, family members or others is critical to help someone with an addiction stay in treatment and avoid relapsing. This can include changing patterns of everyday living to make it easier to avoid destructive behavior, offering to participate in counseling with your loved one, seeking your own therapist and recovery support, and knowing what to do if relapse occurs.
• To succeed after going through detox, they have to really make a conscious decision, the heart has to change. THEY HAVE TO STOP THINKING ONE MORE TIME ISN’T GOING TO HURT!
• The need for self-medication of physical or mental pain has to stop.
• Be aware that if someone relapses, they may not realize how much they have lost their tolerance for it and can easily overdose which can lead to death.
Every person and every situation is different, and the suggestions found in this site might not work for you. Don't hesitate to seek professional help. Don't give up. Keep trying!